A ceiling? After debating whether and how to soffit this weird drop ceiling that was left exposed when I took down the wall and other even lower drop ceiling at the back of the master bedroom, we decided it should go. The plaster underneath needs some patching but is perfectly salvageable. Buh bye!
I was able to get most of the drywall down in big sheets to reuse elsewhere, and take the framing apart in sections by myself so I could reuse the lumber and not break a window or me getting it down. These are now the rafters for the new chicken coop roof, and the framing to close up those door openings on the other end of the room.
So. Much. Frosting. I mean spackle. Two and a half buckets, almost all in this room. But it’s going to look gooood. Comparatively, at least, and after a little trim work- need baseboards for this half of the room and some crown molding for the other side to mask the line of the old ceiling height where the drywall stops.
After a half-coat of primer, it’s actually starting to look like something.
All work and no play makes for dull folks. So, Slowdive:
And David J (former Bauhaus)…
And Bowie! At the MCA:
And paintball, wherein I shoot at 40-something and 14 year old boys, and run in the final flag after the 10 year old kid I’m covering gets dropped 6 feet from the other team’s pole. I grew up running around in similar woods playing “Army” with boys, so switching paintball guns for the rocks my brothers and I used to throw at each other’s forts wasn’t much of a stretch. I’m good at this game.
But not invincible:
And afterwards, to the BratStop! Because Wisconsin.
Curds! More curds! Fry all the things! And another pitcher please. Stocked up on some New Glarus and the fella’s Alaskan Amber, plus some cold curds for later, then home again.
Which I made pretty before the annual Open House Chicago art walk weekend.
This one’s going to be a Chicago flag, but in brown and gold, with police checks and in lieu of stars, kitchen accoutrements. So it will get finished someday maybe. At this point, probably after I glass-block this missing transom and take down this board up to finish it inside. Winter is coming! Then the sign goes back up, but on the porch above.
In other news, there’s now a stove in the kitchen. So once I frame out a wall, hook up the stove, tear out the shoddy linoleum and paint and seal the floor, and maybe swap the tiny kitchen sink for the jumbo restaurant sink waiting in the basement, and finish my bedroom so the rest of my stuff can go upstairs, we’ll be ready for supper club again! It’s a long tunnel, but the light is getting closer! See you on the other side, folks.